Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Summary of Ideas

Our film is about, as the summary says, Detective Kyle Henly Jr. who returns to the NYPD after a break from the force upon his families murders. Henly returning case see's him chasing a serial killer - who follows the same M.O as the culprit that killed his own family. Henly has some sort of reaction to the trauma and begins to see the victims die in an almost psychic episodes, leading him to finding the bodies of more victims and closing down on the killer.

The opening of our film will show, either according to the script, or the beginning of the film (which ends just before the script written below this post). The beginning will be a dream like scene, with Henly dreaming of his families deaths. The scene ends with Henly awakening in a cold sweat

Our thriller fits into the conventions of the thriller genre by using an extremely in-depth plot, filled with twists and turns, aswell as psychological aspects that make it more than just your average detective-esque thriller movie. This psychological aspect will give the audience more depth to the character, a large part of the storyline focuses on the audience trying to work out what is happening with the character.  The film will use a restricted narrative which will create an engima for the audience as they will be trying to solve the problems along side the detective himself.
Editing will reflect the storyline and emotions going on in the film - for example - at the start of our film, we will use continuity editing which will be quite simplistic, however, as the character descends into a less capable psychological state, the editing also becomes more disjointed.

The movie will be very bleak and dark; fitting in with the typical low-light setting that is so typical of the thriller genre. We will also make use of a dark soundtrack, consisting of strings and possibly a piano; aswell as various other instruments which have yet to be utilized and will not be known until actual composition begins. As the music will be an original composition it means it will be user created and as such will not inflict any copyright issues.

In order for us to get an appropriate idea of what we want to achieve during filming, and because all of our actual filming takes place outside of the college area; we are going to use college time to practice and rehearse our scenes so to make the actual filming much more organised.

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